Would you like to support The Majestic Theater with a donation? Simply click here!
Your donations will go to the projects below, or to help fund our in-house productions.
In order to enhance our performance opportunities, we are planning to add a mezzanine level to our playing space. This will give us room for our pit orchestra for musicals, and the ability to have a second level for plays. With the historic nature of the building, we are limited in the ways we can expand. This design is taking advantage of wasted space and will require very little change in the existing structure.
Lighting is an integral part of any production, whether it be a play, musical, concert, or presentation. Our current lighting is from 2006, and has become outdated, extremely expensive to run, and limited in it's ability to do what we require to move forward. These LED lights will save a ton of energy, and money, and will upgrade the quality of our shows. Our goal is to purchase sixteen of them. They cost $2,300.00 each.
Thank you to our sponsors, whose generous donations help ensure that we can continue to bring quality programming to our community.
For information on the benefits of sponsoring our events, contact
Lisa Gillespie at majestictheaterpottsville@gmail.com.
For information on the benefits of sponsoring our events, contact
Lisa Gillespie at majestictheaterpottsville@gmail.com.